{blog}: February 2011


Thursday, February 17, 2011 | |

Here's quick update! I've been so busy with school lately. :(
But I just wanted to share a picture of one of my favorite people ever, my sister. She's sweet and so beautiful inside and out. :)
I promise to post more soon!

Enjoy the warm sunshine! :)

Renew Workshop.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 | |

I had such a wonderful time atGinny Corbett's Renew Workshop!
I met some AMAZING ladies who love photography, cupcakes, and laughing as much as I do!
Everyone had unique stories about why they love taking pictures; it was so inspiring.
Ginny is HILARIOUS. She told us the best random stories, some slightly embarrassing.... but she got everyone laughing. haha

I learned so much about photography, workflow, and just living life. Feeling renewed and rejuvenated. I was reminded why I love taking pictures--creativity, special moments, smiles, beauty! Anyway, here's a preview of a few pictures :)

Cold front again... stay warm everyone :)

snow day

Wednesday, February 2, 2011 | |

So the past few days, there has been SNOW IN LUBBOCK! WHAT? It hasn't been this cold in Lubbock in... forever! I finally used my long pea-coat and layers and layers of clothes when I went outside. I know it's not really a "blizzard", but I really don't remember the last time it was this cold here. I've been loving the class delays and sitting at home in my p.j.s for half the day. :)
It's pretty nice being "snowed-in."
Today my brother and I went outside and played in the snow for a bit. My dog almost tackled me down. haha

Hope you're staying nice and warm :)

Reisa - Senior

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Doesn't she just have the prettiest curly hair!? Reisa and I have known each other since seventh grade when we met in orchestra! hahah Now she and I are going to seeing each other every day again in the fall! I can't wait to be med school buddies with her :)
She is such a sweet and lovely girl!

Tanner - Senior/Musician

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Oh my gosh. This was one the funnest senior sessions! Tanner was so much fun to work with. He brought his guitar and played a few songs for me while I took pictures... seriously, this kid can SING! :) He just had his CD release party this past weekend so you should definitely check it out! I loved taking night shot images... it reminded me of my film photography projects in London. I want to take more night images... anyone wanna join me? :)

Kimberlee and Michael - Wedding

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Here's a wedding from this summer that I forgot to post! :)
Lots of smiles. Lots of laughing. Lots of dancing.

Krista - Bridal

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I'm still playing blog catch up... (so please bare with me and my love for procrastination. haha)
Here are a few images from Krista's bridal session. Her dress was absolutely stunning on her. I loved the chocolate trim and intricate bead work :)

Annie and David - Engagement

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Annie has been part of some of my favorite childhood memories. Without fail, Annie can make me laugh at the silliest things! We grew up together playing Barbies, N64, and making movies. haha And like every little girl, we would sometimes talk about who we would marry someday... and now she found her lucky man, David. He is a very lucky guy to my amazingly lovely cousin has his future wife. :)
Their wedding is going to be in June -- and guess who's going to be a bridesmaid and still take some pictures... hahah Yep! You guessed it, yours truly! :)

Kelsi and Ben - Engagement

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I've known Kelsi and Ben since elementary school! And it's so cute that they were high school sweethearts pretty much, and now they're about to get married! Kelsi could not stop laughing the whole time we were taking pictures. You can see her radiant smile in every picture :)