spring break roadtrip

Monday, March 28, 2011 | |

I had an amazing spring break with some of my closest friends. We drove all around Texas and took lots and lots of pictures. Here are a few of my favorites!

Houston! :)
We went to the butterfly museum and saw some beautiful butterflies! My favorite one was this blue butterfly. I didn't get a good picture of it though. :(

The Woodlands has a scenic water way that runs through part of the town. We took the water taxi and saw the this cool fountain! It changes colors with the music!
We also went to the aquarium in Galveston. Our favorites were the penguins, seals, and this cool aquarium where you can watch sharks and fish swim over your head!

Here are some of the seagulls at Kemah. They flew so close to the boardwalk... I was almost afraid that it was about to fly into us.

Kemah lighthouse! haha We are such tourists.

Francis LOVES her leopard print. haha

Me and Allie while we were shopping around the Market.

I love these girls! :)