Buckingham Palace

Saturday, June 19, 2010 | |

Hello! So Pam, Tori, and I went to see the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace. There were so many people there waiting to see the guards in their fuzzy black hats. This one asian old lady kept running into the street and posing with the guards and the police had to push her back into the crowd three times... it was so funny! (I guess you have to be there, but oh well, I thought I'd share.)

Here are a couple of pictures for you to enjoy! :)

The changing of guards happens everyday at 11:30. They parade into Buckingham Palace while playing their national anthem. Pretty cool! :)

Here's the policeman that kept the crowds out of the street... especially the old asian woman. haha He got pretty annoyed with her after he told her three times to stay behind the rope.

Pam and Tori enjoying the spectacle! :) These girls are hilarious!

We sat on the curb haha.

more guards!!!

We asked the police if we could get a picture with the guards with the red hats, but he said that the only time the red guards are out of Buckingham Palace is when "Charlie" is there. All of us were so confused until he clarified that he meant Prince Charles. Lol

That's about all of the parades! :)


Phu Huynh said...

gorgeous pictures, you are my inspiration

Hannah Elizabeth Photography said...

Ahh! I want to go there some day. Looks like you had fun! Great pictures :)